What should I expect after the operation?
There may be some discomfort initially which should be controlled by simple analgesia such as paracetamol. There can be some blood stained discharge from the ear for the first few days.
The ear may feel blocked for a few weeks. This is due to the dressing as well as fluid accumulation in the middle ear.A follow up appointment is arranged 7-10 days after the surgery for a wound check and to remove the stitch. A further follow up is planned 3 weeks later when any remaining dressing is removed and a pressure test performed to confirm that the graft is intact. Drops may be prescribed and a further review is arranged for 4 weeks.
How long before my child can return to school?
Children may return to school 1 week after the operation.
What will my child’s ear look like afterwards?
The ear may stick out for a few weeks but then returns to its normal position
Can my child swim after the operation?
The ear needs to be kept dry for 4 weeks after the surgery to prevent an infection
When will my child be able to fly?
Although aircraft cabin pressure is controlled there may be some slight changes which may induce patients to try to equalise their ears. This may result in displacement of the graft. and it is recommended that flying be postponed until 4 weeks after surgery.