What can go wrong after tonsillectomy

Unmanaged pain
Whilst regular analgesics are sufficient to address the discomfort after surgery there are some patients who have severe pain. This then affects their oral intake and can cause dehydration. In turn this makes the pain worse and increases the risk of bleeding.  In this scenario it is best to be readmitted to the hospital for rehydration.

Bleeding after surgery
The surgery itself is relatively bloodless.  However, bleeding after surgery can occur in about 3 - 5% of patients and usually happens between days 5 - 7 when the pain is worse  

It is essential that your child is under supervision a all times and that they sleep in the same room as their parents. Should they make a wet gurgling sound when they are asleep check their mouth in case there is bleeding. If this is persistent take your child to your nearest accident and emergency department or if the bleeding is profuse then call for an ambulance.

Long distance travel particularly by train or plane is advised against for 3 weeks until after the surgery to ensure the tonsil beds are fully healed so that there is no risk of bleeding.